Are you looking for a natural way to improve your focus and memory? If so, then you should look no further than cascara! Cascara is a natural source of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which has been linked to improved cognitive performance. In this article, we’ll explore the potential benefits of long-term cascara consumption for improved memory and focus.
What is Cascara and How Can it Help Improve Memory and Focus?

What is Cascara? Cascara is another term for coffee cherry. It’s made from the dried husks of coffee fruit and is often brewed like tea or consumed as an energy drink. This fruit contains caffeine, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that have been linked to improved cognitive performance. Research has shown that BDNF—a neurotrophin found in cascara—can help enhance memory, learning, attention span, and overall brain health when consumed over a sustained period of time.
Benefits of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Long Term Consumption of Cascara for Improved Cognitive Functioning

Recent research suggests that long-term Cascara consumption may reduce the risk of age-related degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia by maintaining healthy levels of BDNF in the body over time. Cascara can be consumed both as a tea or powder form which makes it easy to add into any daily routine without much effort. Furthermore, studies suggest that long-term use may offer greater benefits than short-term use due to its cumulative effect on cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and overall alertness.
Who knew that a cup of tea could help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative brain diseases? Neurogenesis, or the generation and connecting of new neurons, is increased due to Cascara’s potent characteristics. Neuroscientists have determined that long-term consumption of Cascara will help create healthier pathways between existing neurons in the brain and strengthen connections while also helping to fight off cognitive deterioration over time. It sounds too good to be true but it isn’t! Adding this amazing superfood to your diet can be a great way to stimulate your memory and focus – almost like giving yourself the perfect study boost!